Chirala Pincode
Chirala in prakasam indian post office is located in chirala in prakasam chirala prakasam prakasam.
Chirala pincode. Postmaster post office chirala head office prakasam andhra pradesh ap india in pin code 523155 delivery status delivery postal taluk chirala postal division prakasam postal region vijayawada postal circle andhra pradesh. Last 3 digits of the code are assigned to the bhimavaram branch post office. The first to digits represent the state the second two digits represent the district and the third two digits represents the post office in this case the first two digits 52 represents the state andhra pradesh the second two digits 31 represent the district prakasam and finally 55 represents the post office chirala h o. 523155 click to see all post offices with same pin code contact address.
Bhimavaram b o pin code officially comes under prakasam division and vijayawada region. As per the first 2 digits of this indian postal code 523167 pin code belongs to post circle andhra pradesh. Chirala in prakasam pin code 523155 pin code of chirala in prakasam is 523155. Pin code is also known as zip code or postal code.
Postal code of chirala zone andhra pradesh. Chirala is located in district doda jammu kashmir india.